বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৩ জানুয়ারী ২০২৫, ০১:১৯ অপরাহ্ন

ক্যানসার রোগীর যত্ন

আরোগ্য হোমিও হল / ৫৪ বার দেখা হয়েছে
প্রকাশ কালঃ শনিবার, ৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪, ৭:৫৪ অপরাহ্ন
হোমিও চিকিৎসায় ক্যানসার আরোগ্য
ক্যানসার বইয়ের সূচি পত্র

যত্ন (THE CARE)

~হোমি চিকিৎসায় ক্যানসার আরোগ্য”

ডাঃ অরবিন্দ সরকার

এবার আমি ডাঃ জে বেনেডিকট-ডি কেস্ট্রো এর বই থেকে মূল্যবান কিছু তথ্য উপস্থাপন করছি :- How can we prevent (care) the human race from becoming cancer. The orthodox Scholl belives that chewing paan, drinking alcohol. Working under the sun itself causes cancer. Although these factor act as precipitating factors and basic miasmatic predisposition is the root cause for development of neoplastic diseases.

Cancer can be prevented in an individual if he is treated constitutional Homeopathy right from early child hood. Homeopathic treatment is holistic, if treat every aspect of the human body and mind. Constitutional and ant imiasmatic remiedies limit these noxious, disease causing in fluences very early and prevent the organism from being afflicated by the more pernicious sycotic and syphilitic miasms.

There are certain predisposing factors which may be responsible for the causing of cancer but until
there is an inborn tendency (Miasm) these factors cannot affect the man and cause cancer. The Pre-dis posing factors are:-

The importance of nutrition should not be ignored in causing cancer. Insufficent nutrition can and dose play an important role in the development of cancer. Sometimes an individual takes sufficient nutrition but it is not assimilated. Under such circumstance we must bear in mind the miasm (Psora) responsibile for such conditions (deficiency) & try to remove it with the suitable antimiasmatic remady, such as Natrium mur (eats well but dose not put on weight), lodium (emaciation with enlargement of gland) Podophyllum (flesh soft with debillity) Kreos (Rapid emaciation) Nux-V and Stram (looks like old man). If animia is caused due to nuritional problems, One may do well if one knows the art of selecting one medicine of Bac. Bar-c. Nat-m Olnd, Pin-s Sil, Thyr along with the in take of proper diet.

আরও পড়ুন – অ্যাডাল-৮৫ (এনার্জি টনিক)

A lot of food substances have been incriminated in the aetiology of cancer. We are constantly surrounded by carcinogens-The air we breath, contains industrial and automobile exhaust, the water we drink is contaminated by induestrial effluents, and our food is contaminated by additivies, Pesticides etc. Diets rich in animal fat, Salt and cholestrol may being changes in the intestinal bacteria. They may further activate or produce cardinogens form ingested food.

Malnutrition and infection are closely related. The more the malnutrition, greater is the susceptibility to infection. Nutrition affects the immunity. A low immunity encourages the development of cancer either directly or indirectly. So it becomes the responsibility of every homeopath to see that the immunity of every individual within his approach is kept high by sensible advise for a proper diet as mentioned in the ensueing chapters and by adopting the simple method of studying totality of the symptoms & prescribing for them. It is said that if in a patient, the immune system is at low level then a search for cancer or abnormal cells or foreign substance should be made. Afew doses of Hydrastis as mentioned under Gist will take care of such situations and save lives.

It is important to remember that Protein, Carbohydrates and lipids are the three main components of nutrition. It is said that any imbalance in them can contribute to the development of cancer. A detailed study of these three components is essential.

1. Protein : – The word “Protein” is derived form a Greek word protos, means, “first”. Protein forms the first or essential part of our body. The enzymes, which help in quick chemical reactions in the body, contain Protein. Certain important hormones made in our body are Proteins. The transport system of blood is composed of protein. Therefore, Protein is considered to be the first or the essential component of our body. A regular supply of Protein is essential for the building up of and proper function of the tissues.

আরও পড়ুন – আর ১৫ ভিটা সি – ১৫ (নার্ভ এবং এনার্জি টনিক)

Is is believed that one can become susceptible to the effect of carcinogens if there is insufficient in takes of carbohydrates, Proteins, vitamins or minerals. Genetic material can also be deranged by nutritional deficiencies which may lead to the development of cancer form abnormal repairing of genetic material. From the above facts one may well understand the important role of nutritional factors in the development of cancer.

2. Carbohydrates: Almost the entire human diet contains carbohydrates and it has advantages over fat because it contains less than half the number of calories per ounce. Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen and oxigen. Carbohydrate foods contains complex polysaccharides, starch, glycogen, sucrose and lactose. Green plants use sunlight to make carbohydrates from carbondioxide and water. Complex Carbohydrate such as beans, peas, nuts, fruits, vegetables and whole grain bread and cereals not only provide calories and essential nutrients but also increase dietary fibre. Lettuce, if eaten daily can absorb some gastrointestinal carcinogens, increase stool bulk and induce bowel movements. This will in turn reduce the risk of colon cancer.

3. Lipids: It is biochemical term denoting Fat. Lipids are important chemical substance which includes cholestoral, triglycerides, fally acids Phospholipids and sterols. It is observed that excessive in take of lipids causes cancer of the colon or breast or even heart disease. Fats whether saturated or unsaturated shuld be avoided.

4. Vitamins: When we think or lack of nutrition and vitamins, a though should be given to the nervous system. For normal functioning of the nervous system, a number of vitamins are necessary. An infant who presents with convulsions may have thiamine(BI) deficiency; macin.

deficiency leads to pellagra, follic acid to unclear thinking and vitamin ‘C’ to fatigue etc. Vitamin deficiency can cause a variety of diseases and improprer functioning of the immue system. Anticancer properties essential for normal immune function are present in Vitamin ‘A’. Vitamin ‘K’ is required for normal blood clotting. Thiamin is (Bi) essential for normal functioning of the heart and nervous system. Riboflavin lowers the effects of drugs and foreign substances. All deficiencies are death under the miasm-psora.

আরও পড়ুন –আর্টিকা ইউরেন্স মাদার টিংচার

Minerals are believed to play an important role :-
1. Selenium: Has three important functions:-
(a) With glutathione peroxide forms an antioxidant, thus becomes a free radical scavenger. enables the organism to survive with less oxygen.
(b) It reacts with toxic metals to form biologically inert conpounds. The metals that are toxic to our bodies sush as Murcary, Cadmium and Arsenic are made harmless by Selenium.
(c) It has been observed that higher the Selenium content in the retina better the night vision. And the cancer incidence are less where Selienium content of the blood is more. The antioxidant property of

Selenium protects the body against cancer especially it the diet is high in poly unsaturated fats.
(2) Zinc :- Helps in the proper growth and development of our body and also in the protein synthesis and heating of wounds. Zinc is the functional part of many enzymes and is intimately engaged in the immune function and in the development of cancer. Deficiency in zinc decreases the number and suppresses the T-cells leading to development of cancer. In the patient with poor diet developing various types of cancer, Zinc deficiency is found.

Zinc deficiency or execess both leads to neoplastic formation. Deficiency or excess of other metal can also lead to cancerous growths.

Some time even it the individual is taking proper food (those undersourished shall not fall under this argument), yet certain metal or nutrient found because of improper deficiencies are assimilation of food. This is generally attributed to a dominant psoric miasm.

Carotene :- Carotene has an anticancer Potential in high risk patients. People who consume food having high amount of carotene, have a low risk or cancer. Caratene is considered to be one of the impotant enhancers of the human immunesystem and may.

আরও পড়ুন – এইচ আর – ০১ (ব্লাড সুগারের চিকিৎসায় কার্যকর)

reverse pre-cencer conditions (Carotene is found in carot, sweet potatoes, yaws, pumpkins, squash kale, Broccoli and cantaloup.)

Indoles – Can destroy or make oestrogen, which initiates new growth, inactive. It is found in cabbage and cabbage group of vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, mustard green etc.

Isoflavons :- Are natural protectors from cancer. They inhibit estrogen receptors, estrogen and destroy certain cancer gene enzymes that can propagate and transform a normal cell in to cencer cell. Beans, peas peanuts are the legums which certain Isoflavons.

Ligans :- Inhibit estrogen and prostaglandins. Found in flaxeseed (A small plant with blue flowers) walnuts and fatty fish.

Polyacetylene :- It inhibits the action of postaglandins and deotroys Beuropyrene a potent cercinogen. It is found in parsley.

Protease inhibitors :- Soyabean, in which protease inhibitors are found is said to inhibit the development of cancer of colon-lung, mouth, liver and oesophagus. These protease inhibitors have an irreversible suppressive effect on the process of carcinogensis.

Quinones :- The chemical agent found in rosemary is said to have the property to inhibit carcingens & co-carcinogens.

Sterols:- These are found mostly in cucumber especially in its skin. Sterols decrease cholesterol and there by reduce most of the fat content. Multiple cancers including colon, rectum, breast, prostate, uterus and endometrium are associated with increased fat intake.

Sulpher :- It is an immune system enhancer and found in a large quantity in Gaslic. It is a cancer proventive agent, prevents blood clotting and reduce high blood pressure. Sulpher found in garlic not only controls carcinogen but also inhibit the enzymes that allow cancer to spread.

আরও পড়ুন – র‌্যাক্স নং- ১ (সংক্রমণ এবং প্রদাহ)

Risk Factors :- There are certain other conditions which are responsible in the development of cancer. The following chart shows some of the common risk factors associated with cancer.

Risk Factors Associated Human cancer.
Nutrition factors affect : Breast, colon,
rectum, prostate
stomach, mouth,
pharynx, oesophagus,
pancreas, liver, Ovary,
Theyroid, kindney,

Iodine deficiency : Thyroid, breast, liver
Obesity : Breast, endometrium.

Tobacco-smoking, :Lung, pharynx,
chewing, snuffing Larynx, mouth, head
and neck, Oesophagus
pancreas, bladder,
kidney, breast.

Passive inhalation : Lung, cervix breast
(smoke) mouth.
Alcohol : Mouth, Pharynx,
pancreas, liver,
Intestine (head &
neck) Larynx, bladder.

Immune System :Lymphoma,
malfunction : Carcinoma.
High blood presuer. : Breast, Colon.
Environment: : Leukemia, Lung,
Skin, Other sites.
Sedentary life style: : Breast, colon other
Stress. : Many organs.

Hormonal late/Nerve;
Pregnant : Breast.
Fibrocystic breast : Breast.
DES(Diethylestil : Breast, Vagina, cervix
bestrol) endometrium, testicle.

Conjugated estrogen : Breast, liver.
Androgenes (17,
methyl position) : Liver.
Undescended testicles: Testicles.
especially after 6 yrs
of oge.

Female promiscuity : Uterine, cervix.
Poor male hygiene : Penis.
Male homosexuality, : Kaposis Sarcoma,anus,
promiscuty tongue.

X-Ray etc (ionising) :Skin, breast
myelogenous leukemia,
thyroid, bone.
unS light (UV) : Skin.
excessive in fair-
skinned people who
burn easily.
Pesticides. : Lung, prostate, liver,

Occupational :
(Petroleum, Tar Soot) : Lung, skin, scrotum.
Boot and shoe : Nasal sinus.
manufacture and repair
Furniture and cabinate : Nasal sinus.
making industry.
Rubber industry. Lung, bladder,
leukemia stomoch
Chemicals : Brain, lymphoma
Leukemia, pancreas.
Foundry workers : Lung.
Painters. : Leukemia.
Printing workers : Lunt, mouth
Textile warkers pharynx.
: Nasal sinus.
There are many drugs and chemicals which
are responsible for causing cancer. Some of them are :-

Chlorambucil :Leukemia.
Chloramphenicol :Leukemia.
Cyclo Phosphamide : Bladder.
Phenacetin : Kidney

Acrylonitrate : Lung.
Aniline, : Bladder.
Arsenic, : Skin, lung, liver.
Asbestos, : Lung, pleura,

Benzidine, : Bladder.
Beryllium : Lung
Carborn : Liver.
Chloropene : Skin, lung,liver.
Isopropyl alcohol Nickel : Nasal sinus, larynx.
Nickel : Nasal sinus.

Over the year, aftercostant reachers doctors fell that proper nutrition can improve the immune system protect against free redicals, protect against carcinoma and hence protect normal cell from changing into malignant cells. It has been further observed that consuming large amount of caroun reduce the risk against the cancer.

Cancer of various organs as mentioned below, Can be prevented by sensible advice regarding the elemination of the exciting cause and by providing the requisite vitamine and minaris.

Lung cancer prevetion :- Investigation have shown that the risk of heavy smokers is greatly reduced if their serum levels of Beta carotene, Vitamine and Selenium are very high. An abnormality in the bronchial tube called bronchial metaplasia is considered to be an indicator of lung cancer in smokers. It is believed that folates, retinoids and vitami B12 have reversed metaplasia in smokers. Other pre-cancerous lung condition are also being treated with Beta Carotene, Vitamine E and other antioxidants.

Pre-cancerous conditions of the esophagous are being treated with zine and other anti oxidants.

Colon Cancer Prevetion :- Calcium is said to have an important role to play in the cancer of the colon. Low calcium in take by way of daily diat is cosidered to cause cancer of the colon and breast. Polyps of the rectum may also develop due to deficient calcium intake. If it is surgically removed it will grow again & turn into cancer. They say that vitamins C and E and Bet-Carotene decreases the recurrence of polyp in the rectum.

আরও পড়ুন – বায়োলিভ (গ্যাস্ট্রিক ও লিভার টনিক)

Cervical Dysplasia and cervix cancer prevention :-

Cervical dysplasia is the term used to indicate the pre-malignant lesion of uterine cervix, with increased risk of cervical cancer. It is belived that with low intake of food, low blood levels of Beta- Carotene and Vitamin C, the risk of cervical dysplasia or cancer of the cervix is increased. If these two factors ie. Beta Carotene and Vitamine level is increased, the risk of cervical dysplasia and cancer of the carvix can be reduced.

Stomach Cancer, Urinary bladder oral leukoplakia:-
It is again believed that, nutrients including retinoids carotene, Vitamins A & E prevent oral cancer. Incidence of bladder cancer can be reduced with vitamin ABC & E.


আরোগ্য হোমিও হল এডমিন : আজকের আলোচনা এখানেই শেষ করলাম। আশা করি আপনারা বুঝতে পেরেছেন। নতুন কোনো স্বাস্থ্য টিপস নিয়ে হাজির হবো অন্য দিন। এই ওয়েবসাইটে প্রকাশিত তথ্যগুলো কেবল স্বাস্থ্য সেবা সম্বন্ধে জ্ঞান আহরণের জন্য। অনুগ্রহ করে রেজিষ্টার্ড হোমিওপ্যাথিক পরামর্শ নিয়ে ওষুধ সেবন করুন। চিকিৎসকের পরামর্শ ছাড়া ওষুধ সেবনে আপনার শারীরিক বা মানসিক ক্ষতি হতে পারে। প্রয়োজনে, আমাদের সহযোগিতা নিন। এই ওয়েব সাইটটি কে কোন জেলা বা দেশ থেকে দেখছেন “লাইক – কমেন্ট” করে জানিয়ে দিন। যদি ভালো লাগে তবে “শেয়ার” করে আপনার বন্ধুদের জানিয়ে দিন। সবাই সুস্থ্য, সুন্দর ও ভালো থাকুন। নিজের প্রতি যত্নবান হউন এবং সাবধানে থাকুন। আমাদের সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ।

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